Amazing Aluminium Windows
Aluminium windows offer you a considerably more durabale option than uPVC or timber.

Aluminium Windows
Aluminium windows combine elegance with excellence. They are a highly aesthetic option, whilst being resistant to corrosion, wind and rain.
Aluminium windows are more resistant to outside elements than timber or uPVC. They can last up to 30 years, with the right treatment.
Low maintenance
The durability of this window also means that they are easy to keep. A regular wipe down of the frames along with a deep clean with soap and water every so often will keep them looking slick.
Eco Friendly
Aluminium as a material is 100% recyclable. Their durability means you won’t have to replace them as often, which reduces their carbon footprint.
Quality Guaranteed
10-year manufacturer’s guarantee.
Energy Efficient
Aluminium is an excellent insulator, which reduces the need to use your central heating on colder days.
Designs to Suit You
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Wales: Wrexham and North Wales
With UK wide coverage in further locations.
Amazing Double Glazing offer a wide range of products and services to suit every customer’s unique needs. All our products and made in the United Kingdom.
- 0131 555 3543
- Head Office: 205/5 Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH6 8NX
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